Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thing 8 - screencasting

Ok after trying for 15 minutes blogger would not upload my screencast. I tried several times but kept getting an error message that was so helpful. " an error has been detected" I used screenmatic because we are allow to download anything which makes it hard to create projects because you are depending on the IT guys who are understaffed and overworked.  I probably need a java update!

I did create a screencast and it was pretty simple except recording the voice part is scary  and it is amazing how you can stand in front of a class and talk but in your office by yourself it is so hard to record yourself.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Thing 7 File Share

This might be useful. I didn't think the fileshare help was very useful. Apparently my powerpoints are too complicated because I couldnot upload them. I had to use a class exercise I created. It took over 15 minutes to upload the following power point and then only after multiple trys. I am stubborn and determined!!

Thing 6 - Chat

I hate blogging so much that I do several modules and then go back to do the blogs. How pathetic is that???

Chatting is NOT one of my favorite ways to communicate. It usually is so slow and no matter how great the comunication speed it is still problematic.

We use chat for reference and I find it very tedious especially with poor typists and it is takes too long to do a reference interview and the student gets frustrated. It would be so much better if we could co-browse but as it is I have to write explanations instead of demonstrating.

I have chatted in FaceBook and again much rather to be able to hear the voice  and see facial expressions so I have a clue if I am getting my point across.

Thing 5- Wikis

  • What so you think of the listed examples? Are they functional?
  • Is your library using a wiki?
    • If so, for what function?
    • If not, what internal projects at your library might benefit from using a wiki?
I like the the Book Lovers wiki. I like reading what average readers think of books in addition to what the critics think.
We use wikis in our library and for some of our college governance committees.  In the library, the wiki I use the most is the one set up for our library guides. We can communicate with librarians on other campuses about changes and the wiki notifies via email when a change has been made.

I think a wiki for collection development might be a good idea when you have several people selecting items. It would be nice if we could interface with our acquisitions vendor.

Thing 4: Social Networking and share your thoughts

I have been using social networks for about 3 years for personal reasons. It is the only way the younger generation in my family communicates so if I want to stay in touch it is FaceBook or nothing.
My niece homeschools and I use some of the social networking games with my great newphew. I incoporated math and language skills. He has to chat or email with me about his game stategies. I am finding he is bored with it after a year.

Since our students in the library are always on FB, I took an informal poll and ask them if they thought the library should be on FB. Out of the 75 or so I informally questioned, only one thought it might be okay. Most of the responses were very negative and said "FB was for social activties and not for education stuff" and "they hated how business and organizations were pushing their information and products" I would like hear and see if any libraries are sucessfully using FB for their libraries and how they are doing it.

Thing 3: RSS Feeds

This RSS might be useful if I could find some sites I might be interested in reading. I use the web for shopping and research not much for keeping with news. Most of my news is thru listservs that I joined. The reader seems to serve the same purpose.

I subscribed to Library of Congress classification by mistake - got to get rid of that one! It is for catalogers. Well I will have practice in deleting feeds. I decided to try a pop culture website - People.com and it was the easier to subscribe to. Some of the others were very confusing and too many options.

This could be usefull in notifying patrons of new materials if one knew how to set it up.

Thing 2: Getting Started / Web 2.0 Concepts

My second post and I am still not thrilled with blogging.

I started creating web pages with html code and since I had a programming background the code was easy. But I am graphically challenged so web design was not for me. My brother the art teacher would draw the design and I would write the code. It seems that everything is graphic now and it is so hard for me. White background and black text work for me!

23 Things - #1

Well, I have finally bit the bullet and created a blog. Woe is me! I hate to write and NOW I have a Blog. What has become of me! I will sacrifice for the advancement of Knowledge!